Tuesday, June 2, 2009

A Serious Reason to Buy that Wolf T shirt

Maybe you've heard the wolf t-shirt story. According to the Associated Press, "A T-shirt depicting three wolves howling at the moon has gained an exploding following with a Facebook page and online videos — all because a customer posted a tongue-in-cheek comment on Amazon.com saying it made him a babe magnet."
But on a serious note, the Obama Administration has adopted a Bush-era plan that removes Endangered Species Act protection from 1,200 wolves in Montana and Idaho.
Those states are now preparing public hunts that could leave hundreds of wolves dead.
According to the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), "wolves in Greater Yellowstone are already suffering. Over this past year, the wolf population in Yellowstone National Park declined by 27 percent -- and wolf pups in the park are dying of a yet-to-be-determined disease. This is the worst possible moment to tear away their Endangered Species Act protection and sacrifice hundreds of these noble creatures to hunters.
The reintroduction of wolves to the Northern Rockies was shaping up to be one of America's greatest conservation success stories. But now it threatens to devolve into massacre ... unless you and I force the Interior Department to call off the guns now."

Wear a wolf t-shirt, whether it's one of the newly "so ugly they're cool" ones, or one that more directly calls attention to the plight of the wolves.

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