Monday, March 8, 2010

What the heck is "Pi Day"?

March 14 is Pi Day. Get it? 3.14 = 3/14 = March 14. Pi Day! It's a day for math geeks, math teachers, and pi (pie?) lovers to celebrate PI! Here's what Wikipedia says about Pi Day. I offer this because I can't understand a word of it!!:

"Pi Day and Pi Approximation Day are two holidays held to celebrate the mathematical constant π (pi) (in the mm/dd date notation: 3/14); since 3, 1 and 4 are the first three digits of π. Pi Approximation Day is observed on July 22, because of Archimedes' popular approximation of π being 22/7. However, this may be considered misleading, as all cited dates are "approximation days" (as π is an irrational number) and 22/7 is actually a closer approximation of π than 3.14. Typically, March 14 is more popular for countries using the month/day format (22/7 being an impossible date in this format), and the 22nd of July is more popular for countries using the day/month format (since 3/14 and 31/4 are impossible dates in this format)."
Pi Day Tees and Gifts shirt
Pi Day Tees and Gifts by naturetees
So how do you celebrate Pi Day? Make a pie! Eat a pie!Pie Pie Pie: Easy Homemade Favorites

Wear a tshirt! Tie Dye Pi Day Tees and Gifts shirt
Tie Dye Pi Day Tees and Gifts by naturetees

Learn more about Pi!
Easy As Pi: The Countless Ways We Use Numbers Every Day

Be punny!

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