Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Why Won't Mitt Romney Release His Taxes?

Mitt Romney recently declared that he would not release more than his 2010 and estimated 2011 tax returns.
Romney - Release The Taxes Tshirts
Romney - Release The Taxes Tshirts by PoliticalDepot
Despite the fact that Democrats, Independents and Republicans (link) alike have called on Romney to release his taxes, he adamantly refuses. What is he hiding? Is it possible those returns would show greater involvment in Bain Capital than previously reported by the candidate? Is it possible Romney paid NO taxes for a period of time? Is it possible the returns would show even more offshore investments than his 2010 returns? Whatever it is, all signs point to damning information, because clearly Mitt has made a decision to take the flak he's currently taking, because it's less than the firestorm that would be unleashed if he did release the taxes.
Anti Romney - Cayman Islands Tees
Anti Romney - Cayman Islands Tees by mjhdesign
What's Romney Hiding? Tshirt
What's Romney Hiding? Tshirt by ObamaCentral
stinking tax returns tees
stinking tax returns tees by Mychals
Romney tax returns t-shirt
Romney tax returns t-shirt by mymittens
Bachmann Explaining Crazy eYES Tshirts
Bachmann Explaining Crazy eYES Tshirts by dopolitics

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